Episode 10: Mary Jo Bang, The Head of a Dancer

This week Mary Jo Bang joins us! We learn about the Bauhaus movement and an influential photographer named Lucia Moholy, whose works were largely stolen during her lifetime. Mary Jo Bang's collection, A Doll for Throwing uses ekphrastic prose poetry throughout to delve into the riches of the Bauhaus movement which flourished in Germany between the world wars and had longlasting consequences for modern art. With Mary Jo Bang's poem this week, we explore both ekphrasis (poetry about an image) and prose poetry (poetry with no line breaks).

For the full text of the "Head of the Dancer," please see here.

For the image by Lotte Jacobi about which this poem is written, please see here.

For more on Lucia Moholy, please see the MoMA here..

For more on Mary Jo Bang, please see the Poetry Foundation here.


View on Fireside
November 10, 2020


Joanne Diaz
Abram Van Engen